
Showing posts from August, 2020


THREE ELEMENTS OF A CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE By Fred Vergara There are two schools of thought with regards to marriage. First school of thought is that marriage is very difficult. My friend, anthropologist Stuart Schlegel compared marriage to that of “learning how to play the violin.” It is very hard and challenging but when you master it, you can play the most melodious music. The other school of thought is that marriage is very easy.   Comedian Rodney Dangerfield said, “marriage is like a vacation: I married my wife as a last resort.” A young man was having a Shakespearean question: “to wed or nor to wed.”After consulting many books and counselors, he came to an existentialist philosopher by the name of Soren Kierkegaard who advised, “By all means, gets married. If you marry a good wife, you will be happy; if you marry a nagging wife, you will become a philosopher.” There are three elements, on which Christian blessing is invoked. These elements, when pursued an...