EVANGELISM THRU HEALING AND DELIVERANCE (Workshop by The Rev. Canon Dr. Winfred Vergara, presented at Evangelism Matters, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. March 16, 2018) INTRODUCTION : Hi my name is Fred Vergara, missioner for Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries. I work as staff of the Presiding Bishop. EAM is one of the most diverse communities in the Episcopal Church. We are in seven major ethnic convocations: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Southeast Asian, South Asian and Pacific Islanders. For two consecutive years, each convocation meets separately to map out its visions and goals and on the third year we come together in a pan-Asian Consultation to have fellowship, leadership training and share best practices. This year we will gather in Honolulu, Hawaii on September 27-October 1, 2018. The theme of this year’s EAM Consultation is “Piko-Celebrating Christ, Community and Creation.” Piko is the Hawaiian word for navel or belly button and I like...